Fix Your Offer


I'm honestly shocked that most businesses still make the oldest mistakes in the book when it comes to their marketing. 

Everywhere I look I see companies falling short and wasting thousands of dollars.

Just because they focus too much on just getting their name out there.

The truth is that the vast majority of businesses are trying to sell to everyone. This marketing method is outdated.

The days where you could push any advertisement out on TV because it literally just became a thing… Those days are over. 

Luckily, there’s hope for us all. You just have to change your approach.

If you follow the three simple steps laid out in this article, you’ll create an irresistible offer that will set you apart from the competition.

Step 1: Niche Down

The first step is narrowing down your marketing to a more specific audience. 

Think, “who would actually buy from me?” What do they look like? How old are they? Male or female or both? What job do they typically work? How much do they make?

Once you’ve identified who your ideal client is, then you can craft a more specific message/offer that speaks specifically to them. 

This will help you to differentiate yourself from the rest of the crowd and allow you to get paid more because it allows you to specify your services. 

Step 2: Charge What It’s Worth

Price is one of the first problems businesses run into. “What do I charge?” Glad you asked. 

The average person when starting a business will simply go do 10-15 minutes of research in their market to see what other businesses are charging. 

Then, they’ll undercut that by just enough to “stay competitive.”

You have to escape this race to the bottom or your business has no future. 

How do you expect your business to grow if you charge the same or less than the rest of the competition? 

Unless you switch to an irresistible offer, your prices will keep getting beaten down. 

Instead of modeling what the rest of the competition is doing, be exceptional in the marketplace, and charge more.

If you successfully provide enough value to your audience/customers you’ll be able to get them to say yes at the higher price. 

You do this by increasing the value to price discrepancy. In other words, you provide sufficient value first before charging the higher price. 

This will allow you to sell based on value and not price alone.

Example: Common offer based on price vs an irresistible offer based on value:

  • Common offer (based on price): $1,000 down. Payment plan: $450 monthly.

  • Irresistible offer (based on value): $0 upfront, pay when you see results.

Step 3: Present Them A Guarantee 

The final ingredient that makes an irresistible offer irresistible is a juicy guarantee. 

People will always have that fear of the unknown result. I have it myself, your neighbor has it as well. 

“What if it goes wrong? What if I fall?” They think. 

Your guarantee is like a trampoline for them, in case they fall from the stairs towards the end result, they will not get hurt. 

With the guarantee you share the pressure with your customer. 

Put it all together: 

Once you successfully piece together an irresistible offer by following the steps above you’ll: get more customers, get them to pay more, and get them to buy more times.

Don’t be afraid to stand out. In today’s crowded world it’s the only way to reach customers.

If you want us to look at your marketing plan and see what we could do for you, get in touch here: 



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